DAV WIS Chapter #11

Current Newsletter



March 2024

The March 5th monthly meeting of DAV Fond du Lac Chapter #11 was called to order by Commander Ed Wenzel at 6:00pm. A prayer by Chaplin Gary Davidson before our chicken lunch. The lunch was supplied by Commander Wenzel.

Opening ceremonies - Commander Wenzel open the business meeting open at 6:30, with the salute to the Flag. The opening prayer was led by Chaplin Davidson and draping of POW – MIA chair. Roll call of Officers - 14 members in attendance, all Officers present, with 8 Officers in attendance, 3 Officer’s excused. No visitors or new members. The minutes of the Nov. 7, 2023 were presented. No correction. Bruce Donovan motion to approve, 2nd by Gary Davidson. Motion carried.

Treasurer report – Veteran’s Day plants bill was $1,474.88. 99 Veterans received a plant on Nov. 11, 2023. Tonight’s lunch $75.41, flowers for Past Commander Gerald Krebsbach $89.63 funeral. Checkbook balance $12,905.66. Motion by Gary Davidson to approve the Treasures report, 2nd by Larry Wodack. Motion carried.

Sickness or distress – Richard Rapp died Jan. 16. Past Commander Gerald Krebsbach Died Jan. 29th. Jim Genz wife, Jane an Auxiliary member, passed on Feb. 11. John Barton is in the hospital. Glenn Sanville is on the sick list. No

NoUnfinished Business.

New Business – 5th District Conference April 13th in Green Bay. Department DAV Convention June 6-8 Green Bay. 2 delegates – Paul Birschbach and Ed Wenzel. Fond du Lac DAV is in charge of the Memorial Day Parade. Bruce Donovan motion to have Jim Genz to be our Parade Marshal, 2nd by Paul Birschbach. Motion carried. April 20th Moraine Park will have a table of our display of DAV Programs. Members will help with this project. Bruce Donavan will go on the Honor Flight, May 24th. Next month nominations of new Officers for our Chapter.

Being no further business, Commander Wenzel held the closing service. moment of silence for the deceased members of the Chapter. Chaplin Davidson undraping the POW-MIA chair and held the closing prayer. Andrew Farley won the $25.00 attendance prize. He donated it back to the Chapter. A motion to adjourn made by Larry Wodack, and 2nd by David Abler. Motion carried. Next meeting April 2nd 2024 at 6:00 PM. 500 Fond du Lac Ave., Fond du Lac. Keith Merten will host the lunch for the April meeting. Submitted by Paul A. Birschbach Adjutant

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